(+590) 590 99 50 45
comfortable and modern
Choose between the elegant suites at the Hôtel Résidence Hôtelière Hurlevent in the center of Terre-de-Haut.

All suites include a bathroom, a private terrace, a kitchen, a mini bar, flat screen TV, a double bed 180cm x 200cm.
Breakfast available for 12 €/person.
You will have free access during the day to the pool and SPA.
Surface (m2)
Private terrace (m2)
Number of people
Handicapped compatible
Low season price1 (€)
High season Price1 (€)

N° 105 - Alpinia
24 14 2 1 205.8 205.8

N° 106 - Bougainvillier
24 14 2 1 205.8 205.8

N° 107 - Orchidée
24 14 2 1 205.8 205.8

N° 108 - Rose de porcelaine
40 14 4 1 253.8 253.8

N° 201 - Anthurium
24 47 2 2 205.8 205.8

N° 202 - Balisier
24 18 2 2 205.8 205.8

N° 203 - Hibiscus
24 18 2 2 205.8 205.8

N° 204 - Oiseau du paradis
40 22 4 2 288.8 288.8

1:   Price for the whole room based on one person, tourist tax and sanitary prevention excluded.
(+590) 0590 99 50 45

301 route du Marigot
97137 Terre De Haut
Les Saintes